Accis Pro · Office chair for Profim, Poland

2020 · Developed by ITO Design

This ergonomic task chair is the result of an in-depth research project on the subject of „active sitting“. With its patented three-dimensional SmartHPS system, Accis Pro stimulates movement in a unique way. This also finds its expression in a distinctly dynamic and sporty aesthetic.

A woman sitting actively in a light grey Profim Accis Pro office chair by ITO Design
Grey-blue Profim Accis Pro office chair by ITO Design in comfy home office
The Profim Accis Pro office chair by ITO Design in white with light blue upholstery at minimalist desk
Two Profim Accis Pro office chairs by ITO Design with light blue and pink upholstery in minimalist office

Developed for Profim , Poland

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